Inauguration ceremony of MIST innovation Club

by Tasfia Saba

On 12th February 2020, MIST innovation club got the first official recognition to everyone, the club through which you can develop your skills and become confident. The program began at 3 pm and continued to 5pm.

Our commandant Maj Gen Md. Wahid – Uz – Zaman was the chief guest in the program. In his speech he told the students about his thinking about the club.

He said,” MIST should have a brand name in the country and beyond that goes with science and innovation, that is what came to my mind and I thought we must have one. I strongly believe this club will be the most vibrate club in MIST 

Director of R & D, Colonel Zubayer had a speech on the program. In his speech he said that this club would help the student to shine. Our president Tanzim Hasan Fahim also had a speech to encourage students to join the club and projecting their creations. He also informed about the motives of MIST innovation club. The inauguration also had an instant quiz competition, mainly for 1st year students. The answer sheets were checked by the volunteers of 2nd year. 1st three participants were given prizes. There were three game segments where 1st year students participate. The segments were Line Follower, soccer Bot, the Gujob game. Last but not the least there was an arrangement of drone selfie. Which was taken at the plaza of MIST.

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